Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The Syrian Crisis and Why Women are at Risk

Unicef and The UN Refugee Angency are holding an emergency appeal for donations to help people affected and displaced by the Syrian conflict.
75% of the refugees are women and children. Getting female refugees support is critical because, as refugees and displaced people in limbo, women and girls are more likely to miss out on their basic rights because of gender discrimination, and are also at a much higher risk of sexual abuse and violence. Read more here about why women are at risk.

What's happening anyway?

Where? Syria - in the middle of Lebanon, Mediterranean sea, Turkey, Iraq, Jordan and Israel.

Population about 22 million
Religion, approx 75% Sunni (Islam)
Official language, Arabic


Civil war
Began March 2011 an ongoing
Approx 3 million internally displaced
Almost 2 million refugees

Chances are just glancing over this you aren't all that moved. It's understandable - most of us are far removed from war. It's hard to really picture or grasp. Millions of people is too large to even picture

But that's a probablem because, though we don't mean to be callous, it is real people - real human beings with lives just as precious and fragile as ours - that are suffering while we do nothing.

If you want to care and help - or even want to want to care - then find ways to make it real for yourself. Put a real face to the statistics.

Don't dwell on the horror of it - just make it real and if you feel the pain of it let it move you with compassion to help. Use your little bit to give to alleviate even just a little bit of someone else's suffering. If we could all do just a little bit, the ripples would go far.

I encourage you to pray for the people in this whole situation - both perpetrators and victims - and consider donating to the relief funds.

This was drawn by a 10 year old girl

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