Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Your life is the best persuasion

Persuade: induce or cause someone to believe or do something based on reasoning and argument, esp. after sustained effort.

It's not always easy to persuade people to change. What seems obvious and essential to you may not seem so clear cut to someone else.

In looking at injustice or the needs of the world, if you feel passionately about something take a minute to think about how you got this point of conviction about what needs to be done...

Chances are you didn't get there over night.
Chances are it was just a single conversation that convinced you.
Chances are there was a serious of events, lessons, circumstances, conversations and heart changes that happened along the way - and continue to happen.

Even if you remember one distinct event or winning argument that was a turning point, think of all that set you up to be able hear it.

Even if you feel you've been a passionate and compassionate advocate all your life, what circumstances of your personality and upbringing might have been different to others to set you up for that?

We need to give others grace for what we see as their ignorance or blind spots - because chances are we have them too!

With all our diversity of personalities, skills and life experience, everybody's journey is going to be different.

Sometimes speaking up is important and impactful. The conversations we have with others will plant seeds and strike sparks.

But don't be discouraged if no one seems to hear you yet. And don't be judgemental or harsh towards others - don't dwell on why you feel they 'just don't get it!'

Remember the fear and certainty that can come with change - with the unknown in the face of what feels just too big.

Instead, let your life be the example. Let your life be the argument. Let your life be the proof.

People are much more persuaded by witnessing a life of love and compassion than they are by just hearing about it.

Live out what you believe in and see what happens!

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